
InfluxDB in docker in Alpine 3.7

Primary LanguageShell

InfluxDB relay


Based on https://github.com/appcelerator/docker-influxdb-relay

Relay allows for a somewhat highly avaliable influxdb setup by duplicating writes to one or more standalone influxdb instances.

Relay sits in front of each influxdb instance, recieves a request and writes to one of the influxdb instances, returning a successful write acnowledgement. The write is then replicated on the other instances managed by Relay. Read requests are directed to the influxdb instances using a load balancer. This work allows the Relay element of the stack to be run from within a Docker container.

A load balancer implementation, based on haproxy and used to test this project can also be found at https://github.com/ahibbitt/influxdb-proxy

Run the container

docker -e HTTP_BACKEND_influxdb_a=influxdb-a:8086 -e HTTP_BACKEND_influxdb_b=influxdb-b:8086 \
       run ahibbitt/influxdb-relay


Variable Description Default value Sample value
HTTP_BIND_ADDR bind address for the HTTP listener :9096
UDP_BIND_ADDR bind address for the UDP listener :9096
HTTP_BACKEND_xx host:port of an influxDB backend, http protocol influxdb-backend:8086
UDP_BACKEND_xx host:port of an influxDB backend, udp protocol influxdb-backend:8086
UDP_MTU UDP MTU 512 1024