
Quickly get up and running with your Laravel Models with this VS Code extension.

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Laravel Model Snippets

Visual Studio Marketplace Version Rating

Improve your workflow with Laravel Model Snippets. Start with Model:: then the shortcut of what you are looking for within your model.

For example, Model::d will return the muted dates attribute:



Snippet Purpose
Model::ap Appends
Model::ac Accessor
Model::b Boot
Model::bt Belongs To Relationship
Model::btm Belongs To Many Relationship
Model::c Casts Attributes
Model::cat Created At
Model::con Database Connection
Model::d Dates
Model::dat Deleted At
Model::de Dispatches Events
Model::df Date Format
Model::f Mass Assignment (Fillable)
Model::g Guard Attributes
Model::h Hidden Attributes
Model::hmt Has Many Through Relationship
Model::hot Has One Through Relationship
Model::i Incrementing
Model::mm Many to Many Relationship
Model::mu Mutator
Model::om One to Many Relationship
Model::oo One to One Relationship
Model::pk Primary Key
Model::pp Per Page Pagination
Model::s Local Scope
Model::t Table
Model::tc Relationship Touches
Model::ts Timestamps
Model::uat Updated At
Model::v Visible Attributes


Please see the CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.

Thank you to all the people who already contributed to to Laravel Model Snippets!