Akka Persistence journal and snapshot-store backed by EventStoreDB.
Scala | 3.1.0 / 2.13.7 / 2.12.15 |
Akka | 2.6.18 |
EventStore client | 8.0.0 |
To use this plugin prior default one, add the following to application.conf
akka.persistence {
journal.plugin = eventstore.persistence.journal
snapshot-store.plugin = eventstore.persistence.snapshot-store
To configure EventStore.JVM client, see it's reference.conf
Akka serializes your messages into binary data by default.
However you can add your own serializer to serialize as JSON,
But make sure you extend akka.persistence.eventstore.EventStoreSerializer
rather then akka.serialization.Serializer
And in case you are really going to serialize as json, please specify ContentType.Json
, it will allow you to use projections.
trait EventStoreSerializer extends Serializer {
def toEvent(o: AnyRef): EventData
def fromEvent(event: Event, manifest: Class[_]): AnyRef
Please check out some real examples used in tests:
libraryDependencies += "com.geteventstore" %% "akka-persistence-eventstore" % "8.0.0"