- 1
How to add multiple tags to --display-tags?
#12 opened by Baerbeisser - 6
it seems some encoding stuff was removed
#10 opened by SolarAquarion - 2
Couple of suggestions
#9 opened by spinktvis - 0
- 3
Depreciations i guess
#8 opened by SolarAquarion - 2
mpv hangs while playing videos from NAS.
#5 opened by spinktvis - 0
Hey i put your package on the aur
#3 opened by SolarAquarion - 3
BT.709 ICC source down
#4 opened by doobiebro - 0
errors with latest git version of mpv
#2 opened by ahjolinna - 0
[note] MPRIS support
#1 opened by ahjolinna