
Diamond in the Rough - A no-code tool to quickly create and deploy smart contracts to the blockchain. We used AppSheet, GCP, an Express server, Solidity, and Ethereum to develop our project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Diamond in the Rough (Google Hackathon 23)

A no-code tool to quickly create and deploy smart contracts to the blockchain. We used AppSheet, GCP, an Express server, Solidity, and Ethereum to develop our project.


⧉ Link to presentation about this project


  • node v18.16.1
  • npm v9.5.1
  • Alchemy account
  • Metamask account with testing ETH
  • Google AppSheet account

Client Setup Instructions

  1. Modify our Google AppSheet template to your use case
  2. Happy congratulating!

Server Setup Instructions

  1. Clone this repo

  2. Enter into diamond directory

  3. Run npm i

  4. Create a file named .env that contains the following information (only fill in the first three and last two variables):

    AMOUNT = ""
    DURATION = ""

    To do this, setup an Alchemy account and create an App. Also, setup a Metamask account that contains some amount of Ether (0.01 ETH to get testing ETH). For the APPLICATION_ACCESS_KEY and APP_ID, grab that information from AppSheet.

  5. Execute sudo sh -c 'node /path/to/directory/google-hackathon-23/diamond/server.js'