
searches meaning for words and provides hints for words whose spelling you don't know. Use your voice to dictate notes and let my dictionary read them for you. Also, TERNERY SEARCH TREE in c++ is used to make search process more faster.

Primary LanguageJava


A dicitonary that has a collection of 1 lakh words and it does not uses an api. It also has bookmarks and history storage feature.

It uses a database to store words.

link for the apk file --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aasUd39PiKVk7MRtNZdxh0Kw7RZrEW-F

location for the database file --> SmartDictionaryOffline/app/src/main/assets/garbage.db


The dictionary is now a voice dictionary. It takes and provides voice input and output respectively


I have also attached the c code for searching using ternery search tree which can be used to give faster results in a time complexity O(logbase3 N).

Check output below