
Most Updated CheatsDB For Bruteforce Save Data // Compilation by gingerbread

Cheats Database For Bruteforce Save Data

ps3hax.net + aldostools.org

Compiled by gingerbread

Please use the following channels to report cheats(new/issues/updates).

How to use this database - Method 1

Step 1 - Download Aldo's latest Bruteforce Save Data.

Step 2 - If the installer is not using the latest database, you can download patch files individually via BSD.

Step 3 - After decrypting the Save Data, click Cheats. Press the Download button.

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Step 4 - The latest patch file will be downloaded from this repo to C:\Program Files\Bruteforce Save Data\Cheats


How to use this database - Method 2

Step 1 - Download - [https://github.com/gingerbread-ps3hax/CheatsDB-For-BSD/archive/master.zip]

Step 2 - Extract files and Copy/Overwrite all files to C:\Program Files\Bruteforce Save Data\Cheats

Step 3 - Start Bruteforce Save Data

Step 4 - Refresh
