

Use all you learn about array


  • Create a playground project
  • solve the following questions
  • seperate your code with discriptive comments
  1. Create an Array of "ToDoList" Use a loop to reverse the order of elements (Find an Array function to do that) then Rearrange your to do list into random order (Find an Array function to do that) then Display all elements

  2. given an array of Integers [1,10,22,44,5,13,19,23,99,9] print all the odd numbers

  3. given an array of Integers [1,10,22,44,5,13,19,23,99,9] print all the even numbers

  4. given an array of Integers [1,10,22,44,5,13,19,23,99,9] find the max number

  5. given an array of Integers [1,10,22,44,5,13,19,23,99,9] find the min number

  6. given an array of Integers [1,10,22,44,5,13,19,23,99,9] find the sum of all numbers

  7. given an array of Integers [1,10,22,44,5,13,19,23,99,9] find the avg of all numbers

  8. given an array of Strings ["I love coding", "swift is the best language","coding is fun!"] print the longest word

  9. given an array of Strings ["I love coding", "swift is the best language","coding is fun!"] print the odd length words

  10. given an array of Strings ["I love coding", "swift is the best language","coding is fun!"] print the even length words


  • Thursday 14 October
