💕 AI Healthcare Assistant that provides medical services to patients and doctors using chatbots to interact with them. It uses blockchain for storing medical reports and machine learning algorithms for illness detection and patient satisfaction prediction.
- aditiyadav89
- ahlem-phantomESPRIT
- ahsan3219GenStack AI
- DiegoByte722
- Duycan17Vietnam - Korea University of ICT
- final-year-project-thesis-helpEducational Consultant
- george0stEurope, Czech Republic, Prague
- hamzaajili
- hunte0
- ihmunro
- jadm11
- karygauss03Medius
- kitumukunde
- laraio
- leobuffon7
- MohitSaini9093
- MustaqAhamedBangalore
- nandita27iitpIIT Patna
- Niiiinomiya
- Parth4786
- Preshocxagiphi
- Qu132
- qzzhujixue
- rashcasmBhārata
- Sachinshetty-97
- Sai-indupuri
- saimadhavi03
- sakthivel2264Chennai
- SelimHorriAmaris Consulting
- shubhamm69VIT Chennai
- slano-ls
- smwy01
- SoumyojyotisahaHexaHealth
- tachyon-777
- vijayvardhan6Hyderabad
- vn2706Bangalore