
Hotkeys to mute/unmute patterns in the Live editor (qseq64)

unfa opened this issue · 3 comments

unfa commented

I've just discovered qseq64, and one thing I can't find is using the alphanumeric keyboard to enable/disable patterns in the Live performance mode.

I used to do that in the old seq24 program and it was pretty useful.

Can I map my own hotkeys or use the default "grid" mapping from seq24 that I remember?

unfa commented

Thanks! Ok, so in my case running qseq64 -c sequencer64 used the default configuration that has these keys assigned to toggling sequences.

Hmmm, if you removed the old qseq64.rc and .usr, and rerun qseq64, then exit it, the default hotkeys will appear in the qseq64.rc file, and work.