[Question/Feature request] Live midi pattern recording
zigmhount opened this issue · 8 comments
First, thank you so much for your work on Sequencer64, amazing improvements to the already great and venerable Seq24!
I've followed closely the development of the midi control output to use with my Akai APC Mini - awesome. The only think I miss now is to easily record a midi pattern in an empty slot without too much fiddling with the mouse or keyboard, as in a live setup.
My ideal feature would be e.g.
- when an empty pattern is selected (on the control surface)
- to automatically open the pattern editor
- automatically activate Dump Data to MIDI Bus
- automatically activate Midi pass-through
- automatically activate Record Midi data
- automatically set Merge to Expand the sequence to fit recording
- and manually select the midi output to the synth.
How easy/difficult would it be to implement keyboard or midi shortcuts to these buttons (steps 2 to 6), or preset them for every new pattern editor?
Alternatively I am considering automation with mouse clicks emulation through xdotool, but that would be very dirty and not robust.
I've been switching a lot between seq64 and Luppp, and even though I use only midi instruments and virtual synths Luppp allows me to focus much more on the music rather than the software - but limiting the further correction of sequences or recording of a track based on the loops like Seq64 can do.
Looking forward to any suggestion!
That sounds good!
I'm unfortunately no programmer (I can barely hack the code when I know what to modify), but let me know if there's anything I can test or help in any other way :)
Well, actually one more thing is needed: opening up the pattern editor when pressing the Midi control button of an empty pattern...
I don't think there is the possibility for a MIDI binding for the standard keyboard "=" binding (i.e. pressing = followed by q to open the pattern editor for the 1st pattern of the 2nd row), and pressing = followed by the MIDI button doesn't work. SO I have no way of opening the pattern editor with only MIDI bindings. Am I missing something?
There is a MIDI binding for "MIDI Record" though, but I can't figure out what it actually does since it doesn't seem to activate the button "Record MIDI data" in the pattern editor...
Great, thank you!
I've seen only yesterday that you referenced a commit to this thread! I've just tested it, works great, thank you so much.
One issue though is that if I use the Pattern Edit Midi binding as follows, it sets Seq-edit to True, I select a sequence to edit and it opens the window, but Seq-edit doesn't change to False unless I repress the button 84:
100 [0 0 0 0 0 0] [1 0 144 84 127 127] [1 0 128 84 127 127]
Maybe something I should correct in the 3rd column for Off?
That tweak solves it, thanks!
The toggle/on/off is indeed clumsy, but it gives full flexibility :) Initially I used the Toggle mode to bring up the pattern editor, but without light on the corresponding button (as raised in #201 ) I got lost not knowing whether it was on or off, so I chose to maintain pressing button 84 when selecting the pattern to edit. But I could go back to Toggle once I get the lights on.