Using MIDI System Real Time messages to Start (FAh) & Stop (FCh) Seq64 not working
pnberry50 opened this issue · 6 comments
I would like to use the MIDI Start (FAh) & Stop (FCh) messages to start and stop Seq64 but it is not working.
I have correctly selected my MIDI input source in the Options -> MIDI Input window. I have used (Linux) amidi --port=hw:3,0,0 --dump
to make sure I am sending the correct commands but no joy. I cannot start Seq64 with the Start command and the Stop command does indeed stop Seq64 but it also resets the Seq64 patterns and I cannot restart the patterns until I manually click the stop button.
Interestingly, the MIDI Start and Stop commands change the icons on the Play and Pause button correctly: I send Start and the icon changes to the pause icon and I Send Stop and the icon changes to the play icon - that works.
Am I missing something or is this feature broken?
I should also mention I am using Seq64 just with ALSA, no JACK. As a test I tried it with jackd running but that did not change anything. When I invoke se64 I am not using any options.
I partially fixed this issue (and some unreported issues) in the midi_control branch. However, after a couple of MIDI control events (Start, Stop, or Continue), sending an event doesn't act until the next event comes in. The event isn't even received from ALSA. For example, once the issue kicks in, sending a Start does nothing. Then sending a Stop causes the Start to be processed.
The setup is this: (1) Run "seq64 --User --verbose" which will update the configuration to use the virtual (manual) ports; (2) In another window, run
sendmidi dev "seq64 in" start (or stop, or cont)
You can watch the command-line window and the GUI to see what happens.
Note that sendmidi is a separate project on Github. Download it and run the "LinuxMakefile" to build it as per the site instructions.
This bug does not occur in Seq66, which is essentially the same ALSA code!