

Primary LanguageC

Project structur

/pipex         (root project folder)
    |____/bin        (the final executable file)
    |___/include     (header files, .h)
    |____/src        (source files, .c)
    |____/obj        (where the generated .o files will be)
    |____/lib        (any library dependences)
    |____Makefile    (make instructions file)
    |____README      (general readme of the project)
        |____/bin        (the final executable file)
        |___/include     (header files, .h)
        |____/src        (every source file, .c and .c)
        |____/obj        (where the generated .o files will be)
        |____/lib        (any library dependences)


Mandatory part

open a terminal window in the project directory

$> make

for mandatory part you can execute commands like

$> bin/pipex "infile" "command1" "command2" "outfile"

behave exactly like

$> < infile command1 | command2 > outfile

and you can find the output in the outfile exist in the root directory of the project

bonus part

open a terminal window in the project directory

$> make bonus

for bonus part you can execute commands like

$> bonus/bin/pipex "infile" "command 1" "command 2" ... "command n" "outfile"

behave exactly like

$> < infile command1 | command2 | ... | "command n" > outfile

and you can find the output in the outfile exist in the bonus directory

and you can execute commands like :

$> bonus/bin/pipex "here_doc" LIMITER command1 command2 outfile

you got a open file

$> pipe heredoc>

^^ enter a text and th limiter this one behave like

$> command1 << LIMITER | command2 >> outfile


to delete object file

$> make clean

to delete object files and executable file

$> make fclean


main process
|                              \/ for each command \/
|\                                                                                              |
| \                                                                                             |
|  \                                                                                            |
|   \                                                                                           |
|    \                                                                                          |
|     \                                                                                         |
|       pipe(fd)                                                                                |
|       |                                                                                       |
|       | pid = fork()                                                                          |
|       |                                                                                       |
|       |___________child process                                                               |
|               |       dup2(fd[1], STDOUT)                                                     |
|               |       close(fd[0])                                                            |
|               |       close(fd[1])                                                            |
|               |______ execve(command path, command, envp) // this function kill process       |
|               |                                                                               |
|       ________|___ parent process                                                             |
|      /           |                                                                            |
|     /            |   dup2(fd[0], STDIN)                                                       |
|    /             |   close(fd[1])                                                             |
|   /              |__ close(fd[0])                                                             |
|  /                                                                                            |
| /                                                                                             |
|___________ parent process == main proccess   |
        |                                      |
        |  dup2(outfile, STDOUT)               |  < for last command
        |__execve(command path, command, envp) |

Final Mark

Alt text