Model Images
this package make saving (uploading or from storage) images with any set of dimensions and attachs them to you model is very easy
just a few lines of code
for any customizations also have the full control of saving process
this library uses two providers one of intervention/image library and the other saad/image (My Package) for image manipulation the default provider is my package (saad/image) but you can switch between them as you wish and also you can create your own driver if you wish and use it.
composer require saad/laravel-model-images
Basic Usage
1- Model Setup
assume we have a model like User model has a string field called
this field will contains his profile imageall we need to do is in User Model File
we need to do:- implement
- use trait
- define image fields for this model via defining a static method
which will return array of image fields for the model
- implement
// User.php File
class User extends Autheticatable implements ImageableContract
use HasImages;
public static function imageableFields() {
return ['image'];
2- Store Images:
Now to set user profile image, assume in profile controller we have a method called uploadUserProfile
responds to upload image request, and another method setUserProfile
to set profile image from storage image file
// ProfilesController.php File
class ProfilesController
// Save Image From Upload Request
public function setUserProfile(Request $request, User $user) {
// You can Validate
$image = $request->file('image');
if ($image) {
$user->image = $image;
// Set Image from image file on storage
public function setUserProfile() {
$user = User::find(1);
$user->image = storage_path('app/images/profile.png');
3- Public link
OK, for now we stored our user profile image, so how we can get our user profile image public link
this is very easy just use $user->getImagePublicLink()
it will get profile photo url
by default all images will be stored inside public
directory in the following directory images/uploads
this library uses the convention naming get
so if we have image field calledprofile_photo
the method will begetProfilePhotoPublicLink()
1- Multiple image sizes:
to set custom sizes like thumbnails or different dimensions for your uploaded images
all you need is to define imageField
ImageSizes() method on your model
// User.php File
class User extends Autheticatable implements ImageableContract
use HasImages;
public function imageImageSizes() {
return [
[512, 512], // Full size version
[256, 256], // Thumbnail version
[46, 46], // Thumbnail version
Get Public links
=> for 512x512
=> for 256x256
=> for 46x46
Or yo can use general methodgetPublicLink($field)
=> for 512x512
$user->getPublicLink('image', '256x256')
=> for 256x256
$user->getPublicLink('image', '46x46')
=> for 46x46
2- Custom save directory:
to set custom save directory (within public folder) define method
this method will set save path for all model image fields
SavePath the naming convention used to set different paths for each field
// User.php File
class User extends Autheticatable implements ImageableContract
use HasImages;
// path for saving user profile images
public function imageImageSavePath() :string
return 'images/users/profile';
// user model default saving directory for all model image fields if any
public function imageGeneralSavePath() :string
return 'images/users';
3- Custom save options:
you can control saving format, quality and png filters by defining those methods:
defines image format defaultjpg
defines image quality default70
for jpg quality will be from
0 to 100
low to high
for png quality will be from0 to 9
high to low
defines png image filter defaultPNG_NO_FILTER
// User.php File
class User extends Autheticatable implements ImageableContract
use HasImages;
public function imageSaveExtension() :string
return 'png';
public function imageSaveQuality() :int
return 7;
public function imagePNGFilter() :int
4- Custom save provider:
this package shipped with two image manipulation providers:
this is the default provider, it uses my image packagesaad/image
for image manipulation process
provider for famous packageintervention/image
for image manipulation process
Define Custom Provider:
you can define your custom provider class by implementing this interfaceSaad\ModelImages\Contracts\ImageProviderContract
Change Provider
you can change driver be definingimageSaveProvider()
method in your model, which should return the provider instance.
There are difference between how intervention and my image library handle resizing images when width and height are defined and differs from original aspect
saad/image resize images to new dimensions by centering original image then resize and crop if necessary
intervention/image will stretch image to new size or will preserve aspect so it will respect one dimension and auto set the other according to original aspect
if this note is not clear, you can try both providers and see.
// User.php File
class User extends Autheticatable implements ImageableContract
use HasImages;
public function imageSaveProvider() :ImageProviderContract
return new InterventionImageProvider;
4- Default image:
Each model image field should have a default image, so consider the following cases:
Record does not have image
when we try to get an image for a record which does not have an image attached yet2-
Record has image but file deleted or not exists
when we try to get an image for a record but this image file is deleted or not exists
for these reasons we should define default image for each field, and this package will automatically return this default image if one of the previous cases happens
To set Default Image:
defining a default image is the same process as attaching image to the model, the only difference is we tell the model that we are defining default image
by calling the static method settingDefaultImage()
on the model ex: User::settingDefaultImage()
here we can see in action:
// ProfilesController.php File
class ProfilesController
// Set image field default image
public function setDefaultProfileImage() {
// telling User model we are defining default image
// assign default image
$user = new User;
$user->image = storage_path('app/images/default_profile.png');