#BrowserStack Bamboo Integration Plugin
###Development Make sure the Atlassian SDK is installed. https://developer.atlassian.com/docs/getting-started/set-up-the-atlassian-plugin-sdk-and-build-a-project/install-the-atlassian-sdk-on-a-linux-or-mac-system
this repo and cd
into it.
Use atlas-run
, which will install the plugin in a separate Bamboo instance and start it on the default port 6990.
In a separate tab use atlas-mvn package
to compile after any changes (this will QuickReload the plugin inside the running bamboo instance)
Here are the SDK commands you can use:
- atlas-run -- installs this plugin into the product and starts it on localhost
- atlas-debug -- same as atlas-run, but allows a debugger to attach at port 5005
- atlas-cli -- after atlas-run or atlas-debug, opens a Maven command line window: - 'pi' reinstalls the plugin into the running product instance
- atlas-help -- prints description for all commands in the SDK
Full documentation regarding Bamboo plugin is always available at: