
Auto Layout Generator Script for Expo Router v2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Expo Router Auto Layout

🚀 Expo Router Auto Layout ! ✨

With a simple 'layout.json' file, define your app's structure, screen names, and more. Then, kickstart instant layout generation by running a script.

🔧 This npm package simplifies app folder creation in Expo Router, eliminating tedious boilerplate code.

📦 More templates and options are on the way to further enhance your development experience!

Get Started


Run the following command in your project:

npm install expo-router-auto-layout

Generate Layout

A script will be automatically added to your project's package.json. Execute the following command and follow the terminal prompts:

npm run generate-layout

Witness instant layout generation without any prerequisites. Start streamlining your app development process today!

Example Layout.json:

  "example": {
    "type": "stack",
    "screens": [
      { "name": "screenA", "display": "hidden" },
      { "name": "screenB", "display": "dynamic" },
      { "name": "screenC" }
  "group": {
    "display": "hidden",
    "screens": [
      { "name": "modalA", "display": "hidden" },
      { "name": "modalB", "display": "dynamic" },
      { "name": "modalC" }
  "drawerWithNested": {
    "type": "drawer",
    "display": "hidden",
    "screens": [
      { "name": "drawerA", "display": "hidden" },
      { "name": "drawerB", "display": "dynamic" },
      { "name": "drawerC" }
    "nestedTabs": {
    "type": "tabs",
    "display": "hidden",
    "screens": [
      { "name": "tabA", "display": "hidden" },
      { "name": "tabB", "display": "dynamic" },
      { "name": "tabC" }

Terminal Prompts:

  • Where would you like to create the layout?

    • Default: /app
    • Prompt: Enter the desired location to create the layout.
  • Choose one of the file extensions:

    • Options: Typescript, Javascript
    • Default: Typescript
    • Prompt: Select the desired file extension for your layout.
  • Specify the name of your layout.json:

    • Note: If the layout file is not found, it will create a layout.json in the root directory of the project.
    • Default: ./app/layout.json or leave empty to create a default layout.json.
    • Prompt: Enter the name and path for your layout.json or leave empty for a default configuration.
  • Would you like to overwrite files?

    • Options: Yes (Y), No (n)
    • Default: No
    • Prompt: Choose whether to overwrite files specified in the layout (Note: Manually added files won't be affected).