
Lumen with JWT Authentication + Dingo API + CORS Support + Useful Generator

Primary LanguagePHP

Lumen with JWT Authentication

Basically this is a starter kit for you to integrate Lumen with JWT Authentication. If you want to Lumen + Dingo + JWT for your current application, please check here.

What's Added

Quick Start

  • Clone this repo or download it's release archive and extract it somewhere
  • You may delete .git folder if you get this code via git clone
  • Run composer install
  • Run php artisan key:generate
  • Run php artisan jwt:generate
  • Configure your .env file for authenticating via database
  • Set the API_PREFIX parameter in your .env file (usually api).
  • Run php artisan migrate --seed

A Live PoC

  • Run a PHP built in server from your root project:
php -S localhost:8000 -t public/

Or via bat file (windows):


To authenticate a user, make a POST request to /api/auth/login with parameter as mentioned below:

email: ahmadarif@mail.com
password: 123


curl -X POST -F "email=ahmadarif@mail.com" -F "password=123" "http://localhost:8000/api/auth/login"


  "success": {
    "message": "Login success",
    "token": "TOKEN_HERE"
  • With token provided by above request, you can check authenticated user by sending a GET request to: /api/auth/user.


curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_HERE" "http://localhost:8000/api/auth/user"


  "success": {
    "user": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Ahmad Arif",
      "email": "ahmadarif@mail.com"
  • To refresh your token, simply send a PATCH request to /api/auth/refresh.
  • Last but not least, you can also invalidate token by sending a DELETE request to /api/auth/invalidate.
  • To list all registered routes inside your application, you may execute php artisan api:list-route
⇒  php artisan api:list-route
| Host | Method   | URI                 | Name           | Action                                                    | Middleware                | Protected | Version(s) | Scope(s) | Rate Limit |
|      | POST     | api/auth/login      | api.auth.login | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController@postLogin        | api.controllers           | No        | v1         |          |            |
|      | GET|HEAD | api/auth/user       |                | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController@getUser          | api.controllers, api.auth | Yes       | v1         |          |            |
|      | GET|HEAD | api                 |                | App\Http\Controllers\APIController@getIndex               | api.controllers, api.auth | Yes       | v1         |          |            |
|      | PATCH    | api/auth/refresh    |                | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController@patchRefresh     | api.controllers, api.auth | Yes       | v1         |          |            |
|      | DELETE   | api/auth/invalidate |                | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController@deleteInvalidate | api.controllers, api.auth | Yes       | v1         |          |            |

Postman Project

You can use this postman project, please check here

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