An advanced Gulp workflow for WordPress development with extensive documentation. Used by 40,000+ themes and plugins.
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Images missing in the Readme
#211 opened by erdmann040 - 15
Error running `npx wpgulp` (Windows)
#207 opened by elliottmangham - 0
Dont combine css / js
#210 opened by laluuk - 2
npm start fails with XAMPP on Windows 10
#152 opened by likethegoddess - 1
How to add tailwindcss support?
#208 opened by ElvarP - 6
- 2
Apple Silicone M1 error with Node Sass
#201 opened by Sam-Xronn - 2
- 0
Browsersync injects wrong files when multiple style.css are linked in the html
#205 opened by kossahl - 0
Unused @babel/register
#203 opened by rokobuljan - 7
- 4
Failing on initial build after install
#200 opened by mware - 1
Bundler integration
#198 opened by marcinkrzeminski - 1
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Licensing issue – MIT or GPLv2?
#196 opened by redtux - 1
Zip task is missing?
#197 opened by marcinkrzeminski - 9
Requiring external module @babel/register
#139 opened by fsdevriver - 0
Node 14+ support problems
#195 opened by DarkChris86 - 1
Generating multiple stylesheets on save
#189 opened by jamieschmid - 2
WPGulp update failed ( 404 error )
#194 opened by DarkChris86 - 3
Add a build/deploy functionality
#188 opened by jamieschmid - 3
Not compile js files correctly
#136 opened by bilalmalkoc - 6
- 2
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Is this project being maintained?
#186 opened by CatinhoCR - 1
Include web fonts
#173 opened - 3
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Exclude admin pages from Browsersync
#151 opened by edmundcwm - 1
Sass Glob
#184 opened by imaarmstrong - 3
Errors on intall and start
#183 opened by jmccall75 - 3
Exports is not defined on vendor.min.js
#154 opened by CatinhoCR - 0
Image sprites support
#182 opened - 0
- 0
WP nav menu links working but throwing error: Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: http://localhost:3000/theme_name/
#178 opened by Va2 - 1
Doubts for installation
#177 opened by RaimonxDev - 1
WPGulp does not generating editor-style.css even though I create editor-style.scss
#175 opened by shahalom - 0
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how to configure project variables to compile from multiple SASS directories
#162 opened by arnoldbird - 2
- 6
SyntaxError in plugin "gulp-notify"
#148 opened by tomhayes - 1
using @import in main .scss file
#150 opened by edmundcwm - 1
CSS background-image:url not displaying
#149 opened by edmundcwm - 1
How to use bower files in END PRODUCT
#138 opened by bEnnAbEEL - 0
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gulp.bable.js not reading config vars
#145 opened by billNugz - 1
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Translate is not running
#140 opened by saltnpixels - 0
It automatically including bootstrap js code in vendor.js file while there's no bootstrap.js file in vendor folder.
#137 opened by prncdahal - 0
Remove console logs from the custom.min
#133 opened by saltnpixels