📦 A zero-configuration #0CJS developer toolkit for building WordPress Gutenberg block plugins.
- 11
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- 7
Consider officially deprecating CGB
#298 opened by richtabor - 3
- 0
- 0
- 0
Block.json is missing. Block styles will not load in future WordPress releases
#303 opened by virgiliud - 3
Why is there no js script for frontend+backend?
#273 opened by pwkip - 3
common.scss file gets re-compiled/added multiple times with each successive block
#295 opened by khoallaby - 1
Cannot find module '/root/.npm/_npx/87162/lib/node_modules/create-guten-block/node_modules/@scarf/scarf/report.js'
#294 opened by electricmessiah - 0
How to package our plugin
#302 opened by blachawk - 1
Having trouble getting started with multi-block
#301 opened by blachawk - 0
Is it already possible to include a register_block_patterns() within this package?
#300 opened by blachawk - 0
Do you have any examples of using render block
#299 opened by blachawk - 3
Start works, but Build Fails
#288 opened by anteksiler - 1
- 1
found 2 low severity vulnerabilities
#291 opened by Suzakura - 1
Eject command
#293 opened by projektorius96 - 3
Missing @wordpress/server-side-render dependency
#292 opened by khromov - 2
The externals list is outdated and doesn't support all the available Gutenberg components.
#290 opened by codebymikey - 2
Build script in cgb-scripts clears the console.
#280 opened by zmilonas - 1
Doesn't work on Windows
#272 opened by sonicviz - 1
- 0
need css module support.
#287 opened by robert7git - 0
component does not load in block.js
#286 opened by nabi009 - 2
Using external component breaks Gutenberg
#270 opened by theOnlyLuxios - 2
- 1
CGB won't install project properly
#260 opened by youngmicroserf - 0
How to change the folder
#285 opened by easycg - 1
Failing to import @wordpress/dom-ready
#282 opened by clovis1122 - 1
- 0
How to generate rtl css
#281 opened by aneelmaharjan - 1
npm and cgb-scripts error
#277 opened by kirstenschelper - 0
Turn off minification on dist folder
#278 opened by lewisself64 - 0
How can I share block's attributes to other blocks?
#275 opened by GBwuka - 0
Create separate build file's for each block
#274 opened by maheshwaghmare - 1
Add category
#265 opened by zkmark - 1
Any change I make disables existing blocks.
#269 opened by michaelslevy - 1
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Noto font + styles / script wrongly loaded in front
#246 opened by maximebj - 3
Loading backend styles in frontend: Unusable with Gutenberg 7.5 AND performance/GDPR issue
#268 opened by mariohamann - 0
Adding Extra Div in save = No error + not saving?
#266 opened by altafhpatel - 1
Cannot use react in save function
#263 opened by athuldevin - 0
- 1
Failed to compile. Entry module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'babel-loader' ...
#261 opened by skytonnessen - 0
npm - start producing error SyntaxError: Unexpected token ... in cgb-scripts/config/externals.js:36
#258 opened by bhuether - 1
Inline Comments: Update `p` to `div`
#253 opened by sr4136 - 3
- 1
Problem with step #1 creating block
#239 opened by lcerliani - 1
Status: Babel 7 webpack 4 package updates
#237 opened by niklasp