23 years old. Full Stack Web and mobile developer. Mainly focused on Node.js and React/React-Native. Lots of experience in laravel.
Pinned Repositories
React, GraphQL, and Apollo project that displays top 10 cryptocurrencies with a bunch of statistics and cool design. API used is from coinlore.com. Check out the live demo!
User authentication using passportjs, jwt for private routes, and 2FA implementation. Made in Reactjs. Make sure to check out the demo
@lebweatherbot on Twitter. Twitter bot that automatically tweets the daily weather forecast in several Lebanese locations everyday at 8:30 AM. The bot fetches data from openweathermap API
full-stack react native app. Now on playstore! check README file. Football tournament manager allows users to manage their football tournaments in a well-organized way. Simple UI, cool features, and daily voting
Web app in which users can post/edit/delete public and private stories, view all public stories from all registered users, and view a specific user's profile. Built using node.js(express) and MongoDB database.
Realtime Chat Web App using nodejs and Socket.io. HTML, CSS, and Javascript, in addition to bootstrap for responsiveness and styling.
Node.js Web app in which users can view/add stores on a map. Mapping using leaflet.js. MongoDB is used for storing stores, bootstrap for styling, and mapquest for geocoding.
A basic blog built with nextjs and strapi headless CMS connected to my MongoDB. User registration/adding new posts/authentication is included as well. Check entire README.md file please, specially the demo video
Yoga course sale landing page with stripe payment getaway implemenation. Backend using nodejs and frontend using React. +Responsive using bootstrap. Check out the demo screenshots
Youtube Downloader/Converter that converts a youtube video to mp3/mp4 format and displays a list of quality formats to choose from for downloading. Check out the demo!
ahmadbenos's Repositories
Youtube Downloader/Converter that converts a youtube video to mp3/mp4 format and displays a list of quality formats to choose from for downloading. Check out the demo!
Node.js Web app in which users can view/add stores on a map. Mapping using leaflet.js. MongoDB is used for storing stores, bootstrap for styling, and mapquest for geocoding.
User authentication using passportjs, jwt for private routes, and 2FA implementation. Made in Reactjs. Make sure to check out the demo
@lebweatherbot on Twitter. Twitter bot that automatically tweets the daily weather forecast in several Lebanese locations everyday at 8:30 AM. The bot fetches data from openweathermap API
full-stack react native app. Now on playstore! check README file. Football tournament manager allows users to manage their football tournaments in a well-organized way. Simple UI, cool features, and daily voting
A basic blog built with nextjs and strapi headless CMS connected to my MongoDB. User registration/adding new posts/authentication is included as well. Check entire README.md file please, specially the demo video
Yoga course sale landing page with stripe payment getaway implemenation. Backend using nodejs and frontend using React. +Responsive using bootstrap. Check out the demo screenshots
Responsive(375px) website for a virtual company using html, scss, and javascript. No react or other framework. Make sure to check out the live demo!
Send emails from a nodejs app. Nodemailer(mailgun) is used for the sending functionality. EJS for rendering and Scss for styling. All emails sent from this app are sent to my personal email. Not intended for fancy styling but rather for functionality only, which explains the very little design.
React, GraphQL, and Apollo project that displays top 10 cryptocurrencies with a bunch of statistics and cool design. API used is from coinlore.com. Check out the live demo!
Web app in which users can post/edit/delete public and private stories, view all public stories from all registered users, and view a specific user's profile. Built using node.js(express) and MongoDB database.
Realtime Chat Web App using nodejs and Socket.io. HTML, CSS, and Javascript, in addition to bootstrap for responsiveness and styling.
Responsive FAQ Card using only html, js, and css. no frameworks or libraries. assets and design from frontendmentor.io website. Check out the demo!
GPA calculator using JS, HTML, CSS(bootstrap) and a server worker to keep the website available even offline! Note: Grading system used in this repo is in the README file(or can be viewed in code)
Get to know the Lebanese developers community and share important links
Mailchimp nodejs API usage
Website for a web hosting company(made up from my mind). Built using the basics, HTML, CSS, and Javascript. No frameworks. Responsive but not on the 1.0 initial device scale. Make sure to check the demo.
Public message board were people can send and view messages anonymously. Built using node.js and MongoDB
Realtime poll voting app using nodejs. Socket.io for real-time communication, Charts by chartsjs, and Scss for a bit of styling. Bonus feature: 1 vote per IP address! Vote now in the live demo!
A todo-list using vanilla JS and bootstrap for some styling