Ahmad Hussnain

Hi, there 👋 I am Ahmad, An adaptive Software Engineer and full-stack web developer, have working experience in the corporate, startup, freelance & remote world. I enjoy working with mid-sized startup companies to create valuable digital products and happy consumers.

I believe that honesty is the best policy and my equation for business is: Honesty + Good Relations + Business = Profit

Recently completed projects I worked on:




Lote Design System

About Me

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning about new things, Human History and Philosophy.
  • 📫 How to reach me: ahmad@aizvi.com

What I Discovered about history:

The universe is created with a moral order. The moral order binds and insists humans find truth, help, and raise voices for those communities and people who are oppressed and never get a chance to explore the creativity of this universe.

Governance should be based on truth. Truth has been coming throughout history. Truth has come to many people before it came to us. Be careful! Truth even came to Brazilian Indians and the Indigenous Australians, who had a great respect for a river.

Truth is absolute and it is that truth the universal truth, that eternal truth that is coming to mankind for so long before it came to us. In the end that will triumph.