
Technical research experience and coursework.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the implementations for my M.Sc. thesis, B.Sc. project and a few of the many projects I have done during my graduate research and courses.

There are so many other projects I have done during my work that it was impossible to upload the code due to the copyrights.

M.Sc. thesis implementation

Thesis Title: Image Captioning Using Cross-Modal Text and Image Transformer Networks (Code).

B.Sc. project implementation

Project title: Designing and implementation of a Museum Information System (Code).

Machine Learning and Deep Learning (All related projects)

  • Implementing McCulloch Pitts, Adaline and Madaline neural networks (Code).
  • Storing matrices into Auto-Associative Networks using the Hebian Rule (Code).
  • Learning piano cords (time series) by LSTM networks using Tensorflow (Keras) (Code).
  • Logistic Regression (LR) with L2 Regularization for data classification (Code).
  • Density estimation using Parzen Window on Ted Talks dataset (Code).
  • Designing a decision tree (D3) classifier based on data InfoGain and Entropy (Code).
  • Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classification (RBF, Polynomial etc. kernels) (Code).
  • Voting-based ensemble learning for breast cancer dataset classification (Code).
  • Dimension reduction using Principle Component Analysis (PCA) for classification (Code).
  • Feature selection by Sequential Forward Selection/Backward Elimination (Code).
  • Building generative Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) (Code).
  • Speech emotion classification and clustering on a collected dataset (Code).

Natural language processing (All related projects)

  • Research on Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) and WordPiece tokenizer (Code).
  • Part of speech (POS) tagging using NLTK, PyTorch and Viterbi algorithm (Code).
  • Named Entity Recognition (NER) using the Viterbi algorithm (Code).
  • Textual Entailment using Transformer networks on the ParsiNLU dataset (Code).
  • Multilingual classification using BERT and some other BERT variations (Code).
  • Cross-lingual zero-shot transfer learning using XLM-RoBERTa network (Code).
  • Neural Machine Translation (NMT) using OpenNMT and FairSeq (Code).
  • Question Answering (QA) by transfer learning and fine-tuning BERT and ALBERT (Code).
  • Lyric generation using recurrent neural networks with Tensorflow (Keras) (Code).

Computer Vision (All related projects)

  • Image reconstruction using a Discrete Hopfield Network (Code).
  • Image classification using MLP and CNN, implemented with PyTorch (Code).
  • Transfer learning for image classification using the VGG-16 network (Code).
  • Semantic segmentation of images using UNET (Code).
  • Emoji generation (image) using Deep Convolutional GAN (DC-GAN) (Code).
  • Simulation of parallel and perspective projections from different viewpoints (Code).
  • Drawing Bezier surfaces using 400 control points (implemented using Python) (Code).
  • Creating a Panaroma image from multiple images (implemented using Matlab) (Code).
  • Drawing and transforming objects and scenes in OpenGL (using C++) (Code).
  • Tri-linear interpolation of a cube into a smaller volume.
  • Light intensity calculation and polygon shading using their vertices' intensity levels.
  • Camera image plane coordinates calculation from different locations of a room.
  • Defining geometrical transformation matrices of a window to a viewport.
  • Sensor fusion using multiple types of Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) (Code).
  • Data fusion and classification using Dempster-Shafer theory on the Iris dataset (Code).
  • Data fusion using Sugeno and Ⅽhoquet fuzzy integrals (Code).
  • Double pendulum and robot tracking using Kalman-Filter and Particle-Filter (Code).
  • Multi Classifier System (MCS) for Classification of SisFall dataset (Code).

Bioinformatics (All related projects)

  • EEG signals recording in 128 channels, feature extraction (Fast Fourier Transform) and classification (5-fold trained and evaluated) (Code).
  • Non-alcoholic SteatoHepatitis (NASH: a liver disease) diagnosis AI system:(Code)
    • Data collected from Shahid Beheshti Medical University and model trained (Keras).
    • A web GUI implemented (PHP) and a REST API bridge to the AI backend (Python-Flask).

Bio-inspired computing (All related projects)

  • Research, study and solve problems using Particle swarm optimization (PSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Game of Life (GL).
  • Solving the Maximum Independent Set (MIS) problem in graph theory using GA (Code).
  • Solving the Zero-One Equations (ZOE) problem using GA (Code).
  • Searching for the optimal points in the Rosenbrock function using PSO (Code).

Network Analysis (All related projects)

  • Average node distance calculation in a Bionconi-Albert social network (Code).
  • Average degree, degree distribution, clustering coefficient and average distance of nodes in a Girvan-Newman network.
  • Twitter data crawling and analysis of accounts including:(Code)
    • Recorded the number of followers, retweets, impressions, etc. and built a graph of retweets in Gephi.
    • Calculated hub, authority, in/out degree and page rank for each account in the graph.
    • Run the k-core algorithm to remove the graph directions and calculate the k-shell for each node.
    • Find communities using the Louvain and InfoMap algorithms.
    • Propose an algorithm to find out if an account is a human or a robot based on its activities.