
Tableau JavaScript API

MIT LicenseMIT

Tableau API

This is a version of the JavaScript API for Tableau wrapped as an NPM module.

## Usage

To use this module:

npm install --save tableau-api

Then, require it in your code:

var tableau = require('tableau-api');

Or import it directly:

import tableau from "tableau-api";

Once imported, you'll need to add it as follows:

    initTableau() {
        const vizUrl =

        const options = {
            hideTabs: true,
            width: "700px",
            height: "800px",
            onFirstInteractive: () => {
                const sheet = viz.getWorkbook().getActiveSheet().getWorksheets().get("Table");
                const options = {
                    ignoreAliases: false,
                    ignoreSelection: false,
                    includeAllColumns: false
                sheet.getUnderlyingDataAsync(options).then((t) => {
                    const tableauData = t.getData();
                    let data = [];
                    const pointCount = tableauData.length;
                    for(let a = 0; a < pointCount; a++ ) {
                        data = data.concat({
                            x: tableauData[a][0].value,
                            y: Math.round(tableauData[a][3].value,2)

        let viz = new window.tableau.Viz(this.container, vizUrl, options);

This will provide you with the most up-to-date functionality in the API.

Refer to the API documentation for the details on how to use it.