
The source code of mayahi.net including the posts.

Primary LanguageJinja


A minimalistic markdown blog written in Python Flask.

This blog is especially created for developers who like to run their markdown blog.


  • Lightweight.
  • YAML based configurations.
  • Checksum.
  • Markdown fenced-code and tables.
  • Converts the images to base64.
  • Supports categories and pages.
  • No external styling.
  • Minification.
  • Supports highlightjs.
  • Support drafts.


I created this blog because I was too tired of wordpress.

Wordpress is amazing but not for everybody; As a developer I just want to publish some articles in an easy manner.

Folder structure

  • content/posts: All the markdown posts has to be placed within this folder (nested folder supported as well).
  • content/pages: Markdown pages (such as about).
  • static/img: Post images.
  • templates: Template files.

How it works

Clone the repository:

git clone git@github.com:ahmadmayahi/mayahi.net.git
cp .flaskenv.example .flaskenv

Create virtualenv:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate 

Install requirements:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Compile the markdown files::

flask manage prepare

Run it:

flask run

You should be able to access it via


I deploy my blog using git hooks and ssh.

# File .git/hooks/post-receive
ssh user@host '
    cd mayahi.net && 
    git pull &&
    source venv/activate &&   
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt && 
    flask manage prepare'

Use flask manage prepare --checksum=0 if you don't want to use the checksum algorithm.