
A curated list of useful resources for building a new startup business

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Awesome Startup Resources Awesome

A curated list of useful resources for building a new startup business.

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a standardized set of legal documents that can be quickly and easily deployed for a seed investment round.

(Open Sourced) Model Seed Financing Documents

Foundry Group


Bursaries and Loans


  • Venture Deals - outlines the essential elements of the venture capital term sheet—from terms related to economics to terms related to control.
  • Do More Faster - A collection of advice that comes from individuals who have passed through, or are part of TechStars


Office & Workspace

  • Awesome Co-Working - A curated list of co-working spaces around the globe.
  • Workfrom - Find and share the best coffee shops, cafes, bars, coworking and other work-friendly spaces in cities and towns everywhere.
  • ShareDesk - Book from thousands of unique work and meeting spaces.
  • Nomad List - Nomad List finds you the best places in the world to live and work remotely


  • Tech Masters - online community tying together a diverse and passionate group of technologists, entrepreneurs, and developers from all around the world.



To the extent possible under law, Ahmad Nassri has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

Ahmad Nassri: www.ahmadnassri.com  ·  Github: @ahmadnassri  ·  Twitter: @ahmadnassri