
Terraform module to manage Cloudflare resources

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT

Cloudflare Terraform Module

an opinionated module for managing Cloudflare resources

license release


module "cloudflare" {
  source = "github.com/ahmadnassri/terraform-module-cloudflare"

  account_id = "xxxxx"

  defaults = {
    jump_start = true
    plan       = "free"

    records = {
      ttl      = 1 # auto
      proxied  = true
      priority = null

    always_online            = true
    always_use_https         = true
    automatic_https_rewrites = true
    brotli                   = true
    browser_check            = true
    early_hints              = true
    zero_rtt                 = true
    http2                    = true
    http3                    = true
    email_obfuscation        = true
    opportunistic_encryption = true
    hotlink_protection       = true
    websockets               = true
    tls_1_3                  = "zrt"
    cname_flattening         = "flatten_at_root"
    security_level           = "medium"
    minify_css               = true
    minify_js                = true
    minify_html              = true

  zones = local.data.zones


Name Type Default Required Description
account_id string - Cloudflare account ID
zones map(object) {} a map of zones to manage
defaults object {} default zone configuration


zones = {
  example.com = {
    brotli         = false
    security_level = "high"
    redirects = {
        target: "*{ZONE}/*"
        url: https://ahmadnassri.com
    records = {
      "root" = {
        type  = "A"
        name  = "@"
        value = ""
      "gmail" = {
        type  = "MX"
        name  = "@"
        value = "SMTP.GOOGLE.COM"

zones and defaults

Property Type Default Required Description
jump_start bool true Automatically scan your DNS records and import them to Cloudflare
plan string free one of: free, pro, business, enterprise
always_online bool true Automatically serve cached pages if the origin is offline
always_use_https bool true Automatically redirect all visitors to HTTPS
automatic_https_rewrites bool true Automatically rewrite HTTP links to HTTPS
brotli bool true Enable Brotli compression
browser_check bool true Enable Cloudflare's browser integrity check
early_hints bool true Enable HTTP/2 server push
zero_rtt bool true Enable HTTP/3 0-RTT support
http2 bool true Enable HTTP/2
http3 bool true Enable HTTP/3
email_obfuscation bool true Automatically obfuscate all email addresses on your website
opportunistic_encryption bool true Automatically enable Cloudflare for opportunistic encryption
hotlink_protection bool true Automatically enable Cloudflare for hotlink protection
websockets bool true Automatically enable Cloudflare for WebSockets
tls_1_3 string zrt one of: on, off, zrt
cname_flattening string flatten_at_root one of: flatten_all, flatten_at_root, flatten_none
security_level string medium one of: off, essentially_off, low, medium, high, under_attack
minify_css bool true Automatically minify all CSS files for your website
minify_js bool true Automatically minify all JavaScript files for your website
minify_html bool true Automatically minify all HTML files for your website
records object {} DNS records to manage
redirects object {} Redirect Rules to manage


Property Type Default Required Description
name string - DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex)
type string - record type
value string - content for the record
ttl number 1 Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'
proxied bool true Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of Cloudflare
priority number - Required for MX, SRV and URI records; unused by other record types


Property Type Default Required Description
target string - The URL pattern targeted by the page rule
url string - The URL pattern to forward to
status number 301 The HTTP status code to use for the rule

Author: Ahmad Nassri • Twitter: @AhmadNassri