
Terraform module to manage GitHub resources

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub Terraform Module

an opinionated module for managing entire user/org github repositories

license release


module "github" {
  source = "github.com/ahmadnassri/terraform-module-github"

  owner = "my-org"

  secret_rotation = var.ROTATION_KEY

  secrets = {

  defaults = {
    allow_auto_merge       = true
    allow_rebase_merge     = true
    allow_merge_commit     = false
    delete_branch_on_merge = true
    dismiss_stale          = true

  repositories = {
    my-repo = {
      description = "my repo description"
      topics      = ["nodejs", "terraform", "github"]
      secrets     = ["SUPER_SECRET_KEY"]


Name Type Default Required Description
owner string - github owner
repositories map(object) - repositories configuration
defaults object {} default repository configuration
secrets map(any) {} secrets to manage
secret_rotation string now secret rotation key


A map of repositories to create / manage

repos = {
  <name> = { <configuration> },
  <name> = { <configuration> },
repos = {
  repository_name = {
    description = "a unique description for this repo"
    topics      = ["nodejs", "terraform", "github"]

repositories and defaults

Name Type Default Required Description
allow_auto_merge bool true allow auto-merging pull requests
allow_rebase_merge bool true allow rebase-merging pull requests
allow_merge_commit bool false allow merging pull requests with a merge commit
allow_squash_merge bool false allow squash-merging pull requests
archived bool false archive this repository?
default_branch string master set the default branch for this repository.
delete_branch_on_merge bool true automatically delete head branches when pull requests are merged
description string - a short description of the repository
has_issues bool false enable issues for this repository
has_projects bool false enable projects for this repository
has_wiki bool false enable the wiki for this repository
homepage_url string - a URL with more information about the repository
is_template bool false make this repository available as a template repository
visibility string private either public or private
topics list(string) [] a list of topics to add to the repository
vulnerability_alerts bool true enable security alerts for this repository
enforce_admins bool false block force pushes that alter the protected branch(es)
require_pr bool true require pull request reviews before merging
required_checks list(string) [] require status checks to pass before merging
required_reviews number 1 require review from Code Owners before merging
require_linear bool true require linear history
require_signature bool true require signed commits
dismiss_stale bool true dismiss approving reviews when someone pushes a new commit
last_push_approval bool false require review from Code Owners for the last push
template_repo string - the repository to use as a template for this repository
protected_branches list(string) [] a list of branches to protect
secrets list(string) string a list of secrets to manage
pages object {} a map of pages configuration
actions_access_level string none access level of a non-public repositories actions


Name Type Default Required Description
path string / the path to the directory containing the pages
branch string docs the branch to use for publishing
cname string - the custom domain to use for publishing

Author: Ahmad Nassri • Twitter: @AhmadNassri