
a telegram bot that use the bard API

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains code that implements a Telegram chatbot using the bardapi library and the python-telegram-bot library. The chatbot utilizes the BARD API to provide responses to user messages.


To run the code in this repository, you need to install the following dependencies:

  • bardapi: Use the following command to install the bardapi library:

    pip install bardapi
  • python-telegram-bot: Use the following command to install the python-telegram-bot library version 12.8:

    pip install python-telegram-bot==12.8


  1. Obtain a Telegram Bot Token:

    • Create a new bot on Telegram by contacting the BotFather (https://t.me/BotFather).
    • Follow the instructions to create a new bot and obtain a token.
  2. Set the Bot Token:

    • In the code, replace 'YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN' with the token you obtained from the BotFather. The token should be assigned to the token variable.
  3. Set the BARD Token:

    • Visit https://bard.google.com/
    • F12 for console
    • Session: Application → Cookies → Copy the value of __Secure-1PSID cookie.
    • Replace 'YOUR_BARD_TOKEN' with the value of __Secure-1PSID cookie. The token should be assigned to the token_bard variable.
  4. Run the Code:

    • Execute the Python script to run the Telegram bot:
      python script_name.py


The Telegram chatbot provides the following functionality:

  • /start command: Sends a greeting message to the user.

  • Answering User Messages: The bot processes user messages and sends a response using the BARD API.

    • It simulates typing by showing a typing animation.
    • It waits for 2 seconds to simulate processing time.
    • The response can include text, code snippets, and images.
      • Text Response: The bot sends the text response back to the user.
      • Code Response: If the response includes code, the bot sends the code back to the user enclosed in triple backticks (```).
      • Image Response: If the response includes links to images, the bot sends up to 5 images back to the user.


Contributions to this repository are welcome. If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to create a pull request or open an issue.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.