Test for Xtramile Automation Test in C#

This Repository contain test for the following test cases under directory Data/Document:

Ahmad Waskita - Test Cases.xslx

To edit the code you can use Visual Studio using file:


Before running the automation test, make sure all project dependencies are installed:

 - DotNetSeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers 
 - Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk
 - Selenium.Support
 - Selenium.WebDriver
 - Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver
 - xunit
 - xunit.runner.visualstudio
 - coverlet.collector

Also make sure chrome browser version having the same version with Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver version.

To run the automation test, you can use command line from parent directory with this command:

dotnet test --logger "trx;LogFileName=TestResult.trx"

The test result will be shown immediately on the command line.

To view the test result in html format, you can use Allure report:

  1. make sure allure report is installed (allure installation)
  2. open directory TestResults
  3. run the following command on terminal npx allure serve ./ (it will read .trx file)