Take-Home-test GovTech Procurement

Ahmad Waskita

Setup Environment


  • Ruby installed
  • Bundler installed (gem install bundler)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/ahmadwaskita/selenium-ruby-egovtech.git
    cd selenium-ruby-egovtech
  2. Install dependencies using Bundler:

    bundle install

Run the test

  1. Navigate to the project root directory:

    cd selenium-ruby-egovtech
  2. Execute the following command to run the Cucumber tests:

    bundle exec cucumber

Test Report

  1. Navigate to the test_results directory:

  2. The test report will be generated on formatted datetime folder, for example:

  3. Open the .html file in browser

Manual Testing

  1. Navigate to the manual_testing directory:

  2. All bugs reported in markdown file (.md)