
Skeleton code and documentation for the Java projects of the CS UMD Spring 2018 offering of CMSC420: Data Structures.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Code base for UMD's CMSC420, Data Structures, Section 0301, Spring 2018.


  • src: Skeleton code for the course's projects, implementation examples, source of class demos and other cool stuff that we find.

  • doc: Various Javadocs. Very useful for projects.

  • README.md: The current Markdown-formatted README file.

  • ISSUES: ASCII text file containing a list of known issues with the code or docs.

  • LICENSE: ASCII text file containing a copy of the M.I.T license.

  • .gitignore: The Git ignore file.

  • project1_writeup.pdf: A PDF writeup for the first project.


Contact Jason at jasonfil@cs.umd.edu for questions, or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository, or use our Piazza forum. You can also look at our ELMS page for our TAs' office hours.


Refer to the text file LICENSE for details.