
a repository fo a youtube playlist to learn machin learning for oil and gas

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Machine learning for petroleum engineer in Arabic

This repo for the material used in my youtube playlist.

youtube playlist

The tutorial is about providing a good start for those professionals and students who have no previous knowledge about Machine learnig. In this tutorial the lession that i am teachning are from various sources and courses that i have taken beside working from the Machine learning for oil and gas book for the excersices.

Video num Topic Video content Source code
1 What is machine learning and Ml types Video on youtube none
2 Examples of ML, image classification and dimentionality reduction Video on youtube none
3 The basic workflow for a ML project Video on youtube none
4 Optimization process and Gradient descent Video on youtube none
5 Linear Regression , prediction of flow capacity of unconventional reservoir Video on youtube Notebook
6 Logistic Regression and Classification metrics Video on youtube none
7 Logistic regeression , prediction wheter the employee will quit or not Video on youtube Notebook
8 What is overfitting and unerfittingt Video on youtube none
9 Reguralization, l1 and l2 penalty Video on youtube none
10 K-nearest neighbors, knn with sklearn Video on youtube Notebook
11 Hyperparameter Tunning and corss-validation Video on youtube none
12 What is support Vector machines Uploading none
13 Decision Tree and Random Forrest, how thy work for regression and classification Video on youtube none
14 Lithology Classification with Random Forrest Video on youtube Notebook
15 Xtra Trees, Gradient boost , Extreme gradient boosting Uploading none