
The Metasploit-Termux-Installer script automates the setup of Metasploit Framework on Termux, enabling penetration testing on Android. It updates packages, installs dependencies, fetches Metasploit, and configures the environment for seamless use, allowing you to run Metasploit tools like `msfconsole` directly from your terminal.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Metasploit Framework Installation Script for Termux

Metasploit Banner


This script automates the installation of the Metasploit Framework on Termux, a terminal emulator for Android. Metasploit is a powerful tool used for penetration testing, vulnerability research, and exploitation development. This guide will help you set up Metasploit quickly and efficiently.


  • Automated Updates: Ensures your Termux environment is up to date.
  • Dependency Installation: Installs all required packages for Metasploit.
  • Metasploit Fetching: Downloads and extracts the latest Metasploit Framework.
  • Ruby Configuration: Manages Ruby installations and configurations.
  • Seamless Integration: Sets up Metasploit commands (msfconsole, msfvenom, msfdb, msfrpcd) to run directly from the terminal.


  • A device running Android with Termux installed.
  • An internet connection to download packages and Metasploit.

Installation Steps

Step 1: Download the Script

Clone the repository or download the script manually:

git clone https://github.com/Ahmed-AlNassif/Metasploit-Termux-Installer.git
cd Metasploit-Termux-Installer

Step 2: Make the Script Executable

chmod +x install_metasploit.sh

Step 3: Run the Script


Script Breakdown

Banner Display

Displays a custom banner with contact information.

function banner() {
  cat logo.txt 2> /dev/null
  echo -e "\033[1;37mCreated by \033[32mAhmed Al-Nassif\033[37m with \033[31m<3\033[0m"
  echo -e "\033[1;37mGitHub: \033[4;32mhttps://github.com/Ahmed-AlNassif\033[0m"
  echo -e "\033[1;34mFacebook\033[37m: \033[4;32mhttps://fb.me/Ahm3d.Nassif\033[0m"

Update and Upgrade Packages

Ensures all packages are up to date.

function update() {
  echo -e "\033[1;34m[*] \033[37mUpdate and upgrade the packages...\[033[0m"
  apt update
  apt list --upgradable
  echo -n -e "\033[1;33m[?]\033[37m Do you want to upgrade? [Y|N]: \033[32m"
  read answer
  echo -n -e "\033[0m"
  if [[ "${answer^^}" == "Y" || "${answer^^}" == "YES" ]]; then
    apt full-upgrade

Install Required Packages

Installs all necessary dependencies for Metasploit.

function packages() {
  echo -e "\033[1;34m[*] \033[37mInstalling the requirements.\033[0m"
  pkgs="binutils python autoconf bison clang coreutils curl findutils apr apr-util postgresql openssl readline libffi libgmp libpcap libsqlite libgrpc libtool libxml2 libxslt ncurses make ncurses-utils ncurses git wget unzip zip tar termux-tools termux-elf-cleaner pkg-config git ruby"
  for pkg in $pkgs
    echo -e "\033[1;31m\$ \033[34mapt \033[35minstall \033[32m $pkg\033[0m"
    echo -n -e "\033[1;37m"
    apt install "$pkg" -y
    echo -n -e "\033[0m"

Fetch Metasploit Framework

Downloads and extracts the latest version of Metasploit.

function fetch_msf() {
  echo -e "\033[1;34m[*] \033[37mFetching Metasploit-Framework...\033[033[0m"
  echo -n -e "\033[1;32m"
  curl -L -o "$file_name" "$url"
  echo -n -e "\033[0m"
  if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
    echo -e "\033[1;33m[!] \033[37mDownloading the file failed. Do you want to retry Downloading it? [Y|N]:\033[32m "
    read answer
    echo -n -e "\033[0m"
    if [[ "${answer^^}" == "Y" || "${answer^^}" == "YES" ]]; then
      exit 1
  unzip "$file_name" &> /dev/null
  if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
    echo -e "\033[1;33m[!] \033[37mThe file is corrupt. Do you want to retry Downloading it? [Y|N]:\033[32m "
    read answer
    echo -n -e "\033[0m"
    if [[ "${answer^^}" == "Y" || "${answer^^}" == "YES" ]]; then
      rm -f "$file_name"
      exit 1

Uninstall Ruby

Optionally uninstalls Ruby if needed.

function uninstall_ruby() {
  echo -e "\033[1;34m[*] \033[37mUninstalling Ruby..\033[0m"
  echo -n -e "\033[1;33m[?]\033[37m Do you want to uninstall Ruby? [Y|N]: \033[32m"
  read answer
  echo -n -e "\033[0m"
  if [[ "${answer^^}" == "Y" || "${answer^^}" == "YES" ]]; then
    apt autoremove ruby -y
    rm -rf ${PREFIX}/lib/ruby

Install Metasploit Framework

Installs Metasploit and sets up necessary symlinks.

function install_msf() {
  if [[ -d "$path" ]]; then
    echo -n -e "\033[1;33m[?]\033[37m MSF installed in $path. Do you want to remove it? [Y|N]: \033[32m"
    read answer
    echo -n -e "\033[0m"
    if [[ "${answer^^}" == "Y" || "${answer^^}" == "YES" ]]; then
      rm -rf "$path"
      mv "$unziped_file" "$path"
    mv "$unziped_file" "$path"
  gem install bundler
  cd "$path"
  bundle config set documentation false
  NOKOGIRI_VERSION=$(cat Gemfile.lock | grep -i nokogiri | sed 's/nokogiri [\(\)]/(/g' | cut -d ' ' -f 5 | grep -oP "(.).[[:digit:]][\w+]?[.].")
  gem install nokogiri -v $NOKOGIRI_VERSION -- --with-cflags="-Wno-implicit-function-declaration -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-incompatible-function-pointer-types" --use-system-libraries
  bundle install -j$(nproc --all)
  bundle update --bundler

  ln -sf "${PREFIX}/opt/metasploit-framework/msfconsole" "${PREFIX}/bin/"
  ln -sf "${PREFIX}/opt/metasploit-framework/msfvenom" "${PREFIX}/bin/"
  ln -sf "${PREFIX}/opt/metasploit-framework/msfrpcd" ${PREFIX}/bin/
  ln -sf "${PREFIX}/opt/metasploit-framework/msfdb" "${PREFIX}/bin/"

  echo -e "\033[1;32m[+] \033[37mCongratulations, the installation has completed successfully.\033[0m"
  echo -e "\033[1;34m[*] \033[37mYou can run: \033[32mmsfconsole\033[37m, \033[32mmsfvenom\033[37m, \033[32mmsfdb\033[37m, \033[32mmsfrpcd \033[37mfrom your terminal.\033[0m"


This project is licensed under the MIT License.



Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository, create a feature branch, and submit a pull request with your changes.