Reward Program

A retailer offers a rewards program to its customers, awarding points based on each recorded purchase.

A customer receives 2 points for every dollar spent over $100 in each transaction, plus 1 point for every dollar spent over $50 in each transaction.

Given a record of every transaction during a three month period, calculate the reward points earned for each customer per month and total.



The data model implemented is in data/mockDataSchema.js

Installation and Getting Started

Use the package manager npm or an equivalent to install dependencies.

cd rest-api
npm install

Once that's completed, run npm run mock to generate a randomized data set of customers and transactions within a 3 month range that are stored in data/db.json. The total and monthly reward points per customer are also calculated and stored in this process.

npm run mock

From here there are a couple of options to run the service. All local instantiations will default to localhost:3001:

Use npm run start-mockapi to run locally without Express middlewares and without SSL. The CLI will allow you to take snapshots of the DB and other configs while running.

npm run start-mockapi

Use npm run start to run locally without SSL and with Express middlewares. This is the prefered option when deploying to Heroku.

npm run start

Use npm run dev to run locally with SSL and with Express middlewares. This is the prefered option when during Frontend development.

npm run dev

In the client folder, run npm install and npm start to run the React application on https://localhost:3000/.

cd client
npm install
npm start

Conditionally pass REACT_APP_BASE_URL= with the appropriate URL if the REST API is not running on https://localhost:3001/. The React app will look for the REST API on https://localhost:3001/ by default.




There are many default routes based on db.json. Here are some relevant ones:

// Get all customers
GET    /customers
// Get one customer by ID
GET    /customers/customer_JDuIr8U3jaidCj:
// Get all transactions
GET    /transactions
// Get one transaction by ID
GET    /transactions/transaction_1CrnG72eZvKYlo2C63z9IGFR
// Get all rewards data
GET    /rewards
// Get rewards data on a customer by customer ID
GET    /rewards/customer_JDuIr8U3jaidCj:

// Every resource also implements query string functionality:
// Get all transactions for a given customer ID and sort them by date in ascending order
GET    /transactions?customerId=customer_JDuIr8U3jaidCj:&_sort=createdAt&_order=asc

React App

In a similar manner to the requests above, the React App renders all of the data from the REST API as tables and other interfaces. Clicking on cells within tables also navigates the user to relevant views that give more information regarding what was selected.

For example, clicking on a customer in the rewards table shows the user the customer's reward history.