Topic to cover:
- DOM events
- Callback Functions
- Introduction to libraries: jQuery
- Introduction to APIs
Types of Events: Mouse, Keyboard, Touch, Frame/Object, Form.
- Mouse
- Click, MouseOver, MouseOut
- Keyboard
- KeyPress, KeyDown, KeyUp
- Touch
- TouchStart, TouchEnd, TouchMove
- Frame
- Load, Resize, Scroll
- Form
- Focus, Change, Submit
The use of onclick:
<div onclick="myFunction()">Hello, click me</div>
element.addEventListener("click", myFunction);
function myFunction() {
alert ("Hello World!");
In Class Excersice Create an interface with a menu and several buttons that, when clicked, show and hide different elements.
Create a flow diagram and pseudo-code for the game you coded last homework.
- If you didn't code the game, this is your second chance to code it now!
- If you did code the game, try coding a new, more complicated game of your choice.
- Complete the tic-tac-toe game function to check if there's a winner.
- Code is under /tictactoe-game in this repo.
- BONUS: Highlight the winning "line". eg. make the 3 winning X's or O's to be red.
- BONUS 2: Add a button that calls a function to reset the board and restart the game.
- Watch video:
- Create a colour changing grid:
- Create a grid of at least 10x10 squares.
- Use mouse events to change the colour of each cell when you mouse over it.
- Use mouse events to change the colour back to the original when you mouse out of it.
- BONUS: make the color fade in and out instead of changing it instantly. Hint: use CSS classes and the property transition-duration.
- NOTE: try to change an element's class rather than its css properties. Please ask questions on the class group if you don't know where to start.
- Check reading material for next class (below) and take freeCodeCamp lessons on "JSON APIs and Ajax".
- You will need to learn some jQuery to do the code camp, so please ask any question you have about it.
Read: Read:
In Class Excersice Take the previous interface and add a JSON variable containing data. The click events now must access different parts of this data. Extra: Add jQuery to your interface. Try to convert your previously written JavaScript into jQuery.
Watch: Read: