This project is a simple granite ui widget to add a CKEditor field to AEM Touch-UI dialogs.
❗❗❗ This project is for illustrating how to integrate CKEditor. Please do not use in production unless you understand how it works and what it would take to support it.
This project is based on the gradle-aem-example which is based on the gradle-aem-plugin
Tested on:
- Java 1.8
- Gradle 4.0
- Adobe AEM 6.2
# generate idea config
./gradlew idea
# generate eclipse config
./gradlew eclipse
# build package to /build/distributions/
./gradlew build
# deploy package to AEM
./gradlew aemDeploy
# deploy package... runs default tasks 'clean' 'build' 'aemDeploy' in that order.
add it just like you'd add any granite ui widget to a dialog. use sling:resourceType="/apps/ckeditor"
<text jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"
- a11yhelp
- about
- basicstyles
- bidi
- blockquote
- clipboard
- colorbutton
- colordialog
- contextmenu
- copyformatting
- dialogadvtab
- div
- elementspath
- enterkey
- entities
- filebrowser
- find
- flash
- floatingspace
- font
- format
- forms
- horizontalrule
- htmlwriter
- iframe
- image
- indentblock
- indentlist
- justify
- language
- link
- list
- liststyle
- magicline
- maximize
- newpage
- pagebreak
- pastefromword
- pastetext
- preview
- removeformat
- resize
- save
- scayt
- selectall
- showblocks
- showborders
- smiley
- sourcearea
- specialchar
- stylescombo
- tab
- table
- tableselection
- tabletools
- templates
- toolbar
- undo
- wsc
- wysiwygarea