Project Name: Mobile Garage

Live Side Link:

admin_email: ariana@gmail.compact admin_password: 123456Aa@

Project Features:

  1. Used product resale is the main concept of the website
  2. In the home page a banner, a category section and a user feedback section
  3. User can find product in the category wise, first need to be login.
  4. User can book products from the different category.
  5. The booked products can be seen from the user's dashboard of My orders route.
  6. Payment gateway implemented with the stripe. user can pay for their booked products.
  7. User can create account as a seller. A seller can add product on the category section.
  8. Seller can delete that uploaded by him and can send product for advertise
  9. Normal user can make a wish list of the product by clicking add to wish list button
  10. Used express js for create backend api and mongodb database used to store data.
  11. Authentication system implemented using firebse
  12. secure api using json web token.
  13. custom hook also used
  14. make secure secret keys using dot environment variable

#Technology Used:

  1. react
  2. react-router,
  3. express js
  4. mongodb
  5. firebase
  6. tailwind css
  7. stripe(payment gateway)
  8. cors (middleware)

Libraries: react query, axios, daisyUi, react day picker, react hook form, json webtoken, dotenv