The name of the project is "TastyKitchen"

Live Link:

About Project

  1. It is a cloud kitchen based website.
  2. People can order food through website
  3. Home page contain overview of the website
  4. In navigation bar there is a menu option
  5. User can choose there favourite menu item.
  6. Also user can put their review or feedback for a single item.
  7. Also user can see others review.
  8. User can delete or update his/her review.
  9. User can add item in menu by the Add Item option. To add an item user must need to login first.
  10. And user can read blog from the blog section.

technology used

  1. react
  2. react-router-dom
  3. react photo view
  4. react component
  5. react jsx
  6. context api
  7. express js
  8. mongodb
  9. react modal