
E-commerce app with flutter and firebase

Primary LanguageDart


Flutter shop app linked to firebase firestore and firebase storage as database, and linked to firebase authenticaion for authentication.

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  • Full authentication with firebase containing (Sign in, Sign up, logout).
  • State-management using provider.
  • Remember me function using SharedPreferences.
  • Back end validation and error handling incase of wrong inputs or technical issue.
  • Updating profile info like username, profile photo, address, age, and card number.
  • Searching for any product.
  • Only admin can add or delete products.
  • User freindly screens with some many built-in animations.
  • Beautiful UI using stack to make drawer.
  • Adding or deleting products to your cart.
  • Adding or deleting products to your favorite list.

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

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