"Mega Mall" is an e-commerce iOS App from the Figma Community I was focusing on:
- Writing Clean Code
- Well Applying OPP, POP, and Solid principles
- Building a Declarative User Interface
- Writing Unit Tests for every single piece of code
Key Highlights:
- 🎨 UIKit, Xib
- 🧱 MVVM: Architecture Pattern
- 📱 Combine: For building a declarative User Interface
- ✅ Unit Test
- 🚨 swiftlint: A tool to enforce Swift style. ( No force wrapping, warning is an error for me)
- 🍱 swiftgen: The Swift code generator for Localizable.strings.
- 📦️ CompositionalLayoutableSection: a Swift Package that simplifies the implementation of compositional layouts for UICollectionViews. https://lnkd.in/dsfAm_te
- 📦️ MakeConstraint: A Swift Package for creating Auto Layout constraints programmatically with ease. https://lnkd.in/dxi9yYAq