
features: Home Page Nav bar has add to cart, product, login, signup, about, and contact-us

authentication if user not logged ask him to log in If user has no data, ask him to sign up , Add to cart only for users user can sign out

Filter feature All -> show all product Filter by type -> ex. Mobile will show all mobile, sunglasses show all sunglasses etc

Details of product feature If user clicked on any product, he could see popup or redirect page with details of product In details page can add it to cart

Add to the cart feature Add to cart User can see all his product and he can add more from this item In Add to cart page there is shop more button and proceed to checkout Shop more return to home page

Checkout feature Proceed to check out redirect to another page asking details of user If user clicked on proceed will redirect to checkout page asking details of user and showing details of product And in check out there is 2 buttons--> confirm purchase and back to cart confirm purchase just show successfully message product button move to product section

contact-us there is form your email, your name, message and submit button

about-us button move to section about on company with dummy data