Make clone to project

git clone

Go inside the project

cd laravel_9

Create database

  • copy .env.example and rename it to .env
  • set database config in your inv file

Create key

php artisan key:generate

Install composer

composer install --ignore-platform-reqs

Generat data

php artisan migrate --seed

Run project

php artisan serve


1- Login Page

login page

2- Dashboard Page

home page

3- Full Translations Page [ ar / en ]

trans page

4- Profile page

profile page profile page

5- Lock Screen page

lockscreen page

6- Settings for site

* autoload setting in cache when site use it all time like [site name / logo / audios for notifications and alarms]

* can close setting if you won't use it again

settings page

7- Create / Update Setting Form

- after select content type, will show input with selected type

setting-form page

8- Content Type For Settings

content-types page

9- Menu

- full controll on menu
* drag and drop.
* close tap or specific link, to can't anyone open page. [only super admin role can open page]
* reorder.
* create / update / delete
* can update menu seeder and click on sync menus button will update menu

menus page

10- Roles

roles page

11- Assign Routes To Roles

- select controller to list his methods.

- when input is check for route in role, then role can use this route

assign-role-form page assign page

12- ease to search in relations table using yajra datatable

users page

13- ease to make your custom search

- just create route like this [change users word and controller name]
    Route::get('{users}/search/form', '{UserController}@search')->name('{users}.search.form');
- in {users} folder add search.blade.php have only inputs without form tag
- in Model have scopeFilter in this scope can add all your form conditions

search page

14- Email System

email-form page email-body page


1- on each controller have 3 properties

* use_form_ajax => if true, form create / update will submit using ajax and display validation errors if have, after success will redirect to any page you set it on store method

* use_button_ajax => if true, link create and update and delete will use ajax [ the form will open in modal ]

* full_page_ajax or make use_form_ajax && use_button_ajax is true, open form and submit will do in the same page, no have redirect

2- have command to create

- Model with relations & fillable & scope filter and slug method to display the row name in breadcrumb section
- Request class with all validations and attributs translation
- Datatable class with load relations & columns & multidelete / create buttons
- Service class to handle create / update
- Controller with some method
- append translation columns in translation files
- append routes in route file
- create new menu for new model
- create form blade with all inputs from fillable

Use Command

1- create your migration table in make migrate

some Notes:

- to create translation column with type json, please add comment ('translations')
- to create input image in form add comment ('image') for the column
- to create input video in form add comment ('video') for the column
- to create input audio in form add comment ('audio') for the column
- to create input file in form add comment ('file') for the column

2- run this command

php artisan make:crud table_name
and can append all created file in specific new dir, use this argument '--namespace=New'
will append to namespace for class the namespace argument

and enjoy

to contact with me for any question facebook

Sorry for the poor explanation and my poor English