- run
pip install -r requirements.txt
python data/tokenization.py
python model/train.py -s ../data/source_tokenizer -t ../data/target_tokenizer
python predict.py -i data/example_input.txt -o model_pred.txt
├── data
│ ├── datagen.py
│ ├── data.txt
│ ├── example_input.txt
│ ├── source_tokenizer # saved tokenizer for the input, containes vocab, tokenizer and pickled tokenized data
│ │ └── vocab.json
│ ├── target_tokenizer # saved tokenizer for the output, containes vocab, tokenizer and pickled tokenized data
│ │ └── vocab.json
│ ├── test.ipynb # test notebook for tokenization
│ ├── tokenization.py # tokenization script
│ ├── util.py
│ └── vars.py
├── Deep Learning Challenge.pdf
├── dl_problem_ahmed_mohamadeen.docx
├── essay_answers_ahmed_mohamadeen.docx
├── model
│ ├── eval.py
│ ├── model.py # model class file
│ ├── predict.py # predict script
│ └── train.py # train script
└── README.md