
The ultimate DirectUI tool

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

The ultimate DirectUI tool

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Decompiling a DUIB file:

DuiTool.exe decompile myDuibFile.duib

Compiling a DuiXml file:

DuiTool.exe compile myXmlFile.duixml

Example of input DuiXml file:

    <richtext contentalign="topleft" content="Hello World!"/>
    <ModernProgressRing background="20575" foreground="20114"/>
    <ModernProgressBar foreground="20114" background="20852"/>


  • DUIB Decompiler
  • DUIB Compiler
  • DirectUI Color Helper
  • DuiXml Previewer
  • DuiXml Designer


We kindly ask users of the tool to provide (totally optional) attribution/credit if they utilize any files generated by the tool.

Attribution helps acknowledge the efforts put into creating and maintaining the tool and encourages its continued development.