Web Application allows people search for a new career opportunities, they can search for open vacancies and jobs. Also allow employers hiring, by advertise their jobs on JobFinder.net.
- Asp.Net Web API 2 (As Back-End)
- Asp.Net MVC 5 (As Front-End)
- EntityFramework (DataBase First Approach)
- SqlServer
- JQuery
- Bootstrap
The Solution folder will contain:-
- "WebAPI" (Back-End) project which implemented using WebApi.
- "JobFinderWebsite" (Front-End) project which implemented using MVC 5.
- "DataAccessLayer" project that contains the Models and The DbContext Class.
- "JobFinder.bak" database backup file (Restore it in sql server).
All the accounts of the application has password "123456@Sd"
The SuperAdmin Credentials :-
123456@SdPublisher (Publisher advertise job offers) Credentias :-
123456@SdApplicant (Applicant apply for jobs) Credentias :-