
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Notes App for React

this is a notes app from Route Academy Playlist.

The main theme is available in a separate folder

Used Liberaries

    yarn add @fortawesome/fontawesome-free
    npm i react-router-dom@5.2.0
  • axios to new user data to back end
    npm i axios
  • added .env file.

Routing Steps:

  1. import BrowserRouter in index.js file.
  1. import Route, Switch & Redirect in App.jsx file.
        <NavBar />
          <Redirect exact from="/" to="/home" />
          <Route path="/home" component={Home} />
          <Route path="/register" component={AddUser} />
          <Route path="/login" component={UserLogin} />
          <Route path="*"  component={NotFound}/>
  1. import NavLink in NavBar.jsx file. to be able to add the links
    <NavLink to="/home">Home</NavLink>
  1. when adding a Route to component, it passes a props named 'history', we can use it to redirect to another component


Created a custom hook to handle the form validaion.

the custom hook is using useReducer()

After the Form is being Validated - in a separate component- we pass the final data to the register/ login component to send them to the end point

Send Data Using axios

  1. import axios
    import axios from 'axios';
  1. using async & await function
    const userInfo = {
      first_name: enteredFname,
      last_name: enteredLname,
      email: enteredEmail,
      password: enteredPassword,

    async function sendData () {
        let { data } = await axios.post(`${endPoint}/signup`, userInfo );

Adding a protected route

Steps to Add Protected Roure:

  1. Create a new component
  2. In the App.jsx add the new component, then adjust the default route.
  3. In the Component itself
    import {Route} from 'react-router-dom';
    <!-- the props from the react router dom -->
    function Guard (props) {
        <!-- get the token from the local storage here -->
        return <Route  {...props}/>

Jwt decode

We use it to decode the token recieved from the api.

The token contain the user info.

How to install

npm i jwt-decode

How to use it

refer to the link https://www.npmjs.com/package/jwt-decode

add the decode function in a try and catch scheme - in case of error, clear the local storage


to log out we used the useLocation() from react-router-dom

created a conditional rendering to assign which nav-links to display in case a token exists or not


A problem occurs while it's adding the prevState note instead of the newly note!

Delete & Update

  • Was Able to pass a func from child to parent to call the useEffect Dependency again.

  • Another Idea is to create a modal for the delete and the update

  • I'm thinking about makes a separate component for the modal to re-use it in case of update or adding a new note