
PdfLibrary an extremely easy way to convert a HTML response directly into a PDF document and print the PDF document in an ASP.NET MVC or similar web application.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to easily create a PDF document in ASP NET MVC

PdfLibrary is an extremely simple way to convert an HTML response directly into a PDF document and print the PDF document into an ASP.NET MVC.


We will show how to use the PdfLibrary library to easily generate PDF documents while working on the .NET MVC Web project.

PdfLibrary is based on the wkhtmltopdf tool to create a PDF file from HTML content displayed in a browser. It uses the web kit engine used by Chrome to display the HTML code. And support most tags and HTML styles.


Configure this library on your project

Let's now create an example for how to easily create a PDF document in ASP.NET.NET MVC

Step 1 : Let's start from the beginning by creating a new ASP.NET MVC project called MVC_PDFGenerator Step 2 : Let's start by installing the PdfLibrary library:

Install-Package PdfLibrary

Or search for PdfLibrary in the Nuget package window

how it works?

for View a PDF document in a browser Step 1 : After adding the controller, we will now add an action to this controller and prepared you view page step 2: The solution is implemented with four classes of PdfLibrary in RapportPDFController.cs to generate a PDF / Image file.

ViewAsPdf - This class will generate the PDF based on the views.

          public ActionResult DownloadViewPDF ()
             return new PdfLibrary.ViewAsPdf ("DemoAsPDF");

ActionAsPdf - will use another method of action to generate a PDF file using the view

    public ActionResult DownloadActionAsPDF ()
             return new PdfLibrary.ActionAsPdf ("DemoAsPDF") {FileName = "TestViewAsPdf.pdf"};

ViewAsImage - This class will generate the Image based on the views.

       public ActionResult DownloadViewImage ()
             return new PdfLibrary.ViewAsImage ("DemoAsPDF");

ActionAsImage : will use another action method to generate an image file using the view

         public ActionResult DownloadActionAsImage ()
             return new PdfLibrary.ActionAsImage ("DemoAsPDF") {FileName = "TestViewAsImage.png"};


you can download the source code in Github https://github.com/ahmedOumezzine/PdfLibrary/tree/master/html%20to%20pdf