BarcodeScanner is an iOS custom control written in Xcode 11.2 and Swift 5 for scanning barcode, with demo project showing features of the control.
- Written in Swift 5
- Scans QR code.
- Scans EAN-13 code.
- Supports scanning 10+ other barcode types.
- Front & back camera support.
- Can change camera while scanning or stopped.
- Delegates to handle detected code, and errors.
- Can be easily reused.
How to use BarcodeScanner?
class ViewController: UIViewController, BarcodeScannerDelegate {
//MARK: - Outlets
@IBOutlet weak var barcodeScanner: BarcodeScanner!
//MARK: - Lifecycle
override func viewDidLoad() {
barcodeScanner.supportedTypes = [.qr, .ean13]
barcodeScanner.delegate = self
//MARK: - Actions
@IBAction func scanButtonClick(_ sender: Any) {
if(barcodeScanner.isScanning) {
else {
@IBAction func changeCameraButtonClick(_ sender: Any) {
if( == .backCamera) { = .frontCamera
else { = .backCamera
//MARK: - Delegates
func barcodeScannerDetectedCode(scanner: BarcodeScanner, code: String) {
print("detected code: \(code)")
func barcodeScannerFailedToDetectCode(scanner: BarcodeScanner) {
print("loaded but failed to detect code")
func barcodeScannerFailedToLoad(scanner: BarcodeScanner) {
print("failed to load")
Note: In Xcode, add UIView on storyboard or xib file and set class as BarcodeScanner under Identity Inspector.
The demo project comes with a very simple interface, and interacts with vibration.
User Interface and screenshots: