ahmedabdelrahim123's Following
- radwanabilEgypt
- Hager-Abd-El-GalilInformation Technology Institute (ITI)
- weamibrahimInformation Technology Institute (ITI)
- Sondos11youth4work
- YousefAdel2020Enozom
- omar456-asc
- AhmedMohamedZeinInformation Technology Institute (ITI)
- Nada98SakrInformation Technology Institute (ITI)
- omar1896
- Mahmoud1499Alexandria ,Egypt
- orabi55555
- Marim99ITI
- MaysaraSafwatAlexandria, Egypt
- RadwaHassan99Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Communication and Electronics Engineering
- islamibr29Alexandria University
- raneenmahmoudInformation Technology Institute (ITI)
- AhmedSamir99
- habiba1999
- DoniaAhmed20Information Technology Institute (ITI)
- MariamBakryAlexandria, Egypt
- MayarHamed
- Omnia-GoherAlexandria, Egypt
- Mostafaa133Integrated Solutions for Ports (ISFP)
- Viola-GeorgeOpen Source Application trainee at the ITI
- Sarahussam77
- MariamSMoustafa
- radwakhalil22Information Technology Institute (ITI)
- SamarSamyE
- Esraamohamed0
- mahmoud-elbasionyInformation Technology Institute (ITI)
- Mohamedyousef44ITI
- AhmedFahmi0Alexandria,Egypt
- MuAshrafAlii
- ahmedstahoun
- NadaAlaaEldeenIntegrated Solution For Ports
- asmaagamal871Information Technology Institute (ITI)