
KMM Super App is app contain most of feature will any mobile developer will need it

Primary LanguageKotlin

KMM Super App

  • KMM Super App is app contain most of feature will any mobile developer will need it
  • For Android UI we use Compose and for IOS UI we use SwiftUI


Checkboxes for what done and what will we do in future..

The technology we will use in this app:

  • Ktor for api call
  • Koin for DI
  • Architecture Patterns (MVI)
  • Co-routines
  • Navigation Component for Android
  • Pagination for both Android and IOS
  • Caching with SQLDelight for both Android and IOS
  • Fire Base Auth
  • Fire Base FireStore
  • Fire Base Storage
  • Fire Base FCM

The Features that will be in this app:

  • fetch list with ktor and display it in both Android and IOS (Launches Screen)
  • fetch list with ktor and display it with Pagination in both Android and IOS (Movies Screen)
  • Login and Sign up with firebase
  • User list from firebase
  • Chating
